Friday, July 3, 2009

Up, Down, Up, Down

This past Tuesday I had a slight crisis. After being well aware that I'd been slacking more than usual, I stepped on the scale after my workout and found that I had in fact gained back 4 lbs. While this number doesn't seem that drastic to the normal human being, to me... I was devastated. While Mr. Perfect tried and tried to convince me I would lose it quickly I was furious at the fact I had let myself gain anything back to lose all over again! I worked hard to lose it the first time! I wanted to lose more not watch the scales go up and down around the same numbers! It was definitely a kick in the ass. 

I've doubled my workouts this week. I had slacked from the usual 3-4 down to 2 a week. This week I was back at 4. I have seriously watched my food intake and kept my points low on WW. After my run this morning, I weighed in again. Back down 5! That's the 4 I had put back on plus 1! Don't ask me how this happened from Tuesday to Friday or even moreso why I can't lose that much that quickly on a regular basis, but I'm happy with it in the moment! I was in desperate need for a upper in the motivation department and Tuesday's 'ugly truth' certainly was that upper. Thank God. Let's hope I can keep it up! Start up all over again, here we go!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I Suck.. Again. Ha.

Only as far as blogging goes, really. Apparently this whole two blog task was a bit more of an undertaking than previously expected. Oh well. I'm here... over a month later. My bad.

The fitness kick is still kicking, believe it or not. I'm down a little more than 20 lbs. And while, this past week was my annual family vacation and there certainly was not going to be any counting calories there, I'm back on the wagon... again... today and headed back in the gym tonight. God knows how that's gonna work out for me. But I'm not being too terribly hard on myself. After all, it was vacation. I'm down two pant sizes from January and still want to drop at least one more. We're switching things up as far as work outs go. Mr. Super Athlete taught me a little during our five days ocean front together. I told him target areas, he told me ways to assist. This is so very helpful when you really don't know what weights work what muscles. Don't get me wrong, after all this time, I've found my way around the weight room just fine, but it always helps to gain advice from someone far more educated about it than I.

I promise I'll try to do better around here, keeping updates. I need to keep myself focused on the work still to do and not the work already accomplished.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Back on the Wagon!

Finally! I'm back! April was quite a struggle for me. Not gonna lie. I didn't gain anything, luckily enough. In fact, I've lost maybe a pound to a pound and a half, but it should have been more. I slacked on writing my foods down... and when that's the case, it means I'm not focusing hard enough on what I'm ingesting, which usually means... it's too much. I didn't skip a week of working out, but it was more often 2-3 times a week instead of 4-5... not good. However, I've vowed to make more of an effort in May as I did in January, February, and March. It could be a challenge as "May Mania" is getting ready to kick off, however, the weeks in between the exciting weekend events tend to fly by more quickly when I'm working out routinely at least three, maybe four, out of the five weekdays. I'm determined to be up for the challenge. 

The big wedding event is in three weeks. I want so badly to be twenty solid pounds down by then. In January, I stated thirty as my goal. It's not possible at this point. Maybe later in the summer, I'll get there. However, I feel that I'll be happy enough with myself at twenty... considering my bridesmaid dress was taken in over two inches. I'm satisfied. I went through my closet last night... Three full stacks of clothes that I can no longer wear. I love it. Box them up and ship them out, I'm never going to be that size again. You can bet on it. 

And so, it's back to kicking my own ass in the month of May. No time to slack anymore! 


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Me too.

I suck. It's weird being 5 hours apart and having the same pitfalls.

I worked out really hard on Tuesday. It was nice, but I haven't been again.

This week will be better and I won't be such a slacker.

Contemplating going vegetarian. I'll keep you updated on that life change. Not quite sure, yet.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I Suck.

What a week. Thank God it's almost over. Work has sucked, I've only been to the gym once, and I've been alone every single night due to Mr. Perfect's busy rehearsal schedule this week. All of that on top of every girl's favorite time of the month, I'm at my breaking point. While I realize that the gym would've more than likely boosted my moods as opposed to worsening my situation this week, I've failed at getting my motivation up to the level necessary to get my ass in gear.

 I felt pretty good on Tuesday. I went and ran... alone... then I came back and watched the full two hours of The Biggest Loser... alone, but I was inspired. I was proud of my run and I love The Biggest Loser on any given week, but "Make-Over Week" is a personal fav. I thought this put my mind back to where it needed to be as far as will power or determination, alas here I am... night number two of no working out. Oh well. Chalk this week up for a loss on all accounts. Good news? Tomorrow's Friday. Thank God. 

Monday, April 13, 2009

Pretty Proud!

We did it! We all went to the gym on Saturday morning with Mrs. Fitness herself! Bonus, Roxie came too! Mr. Perfect, his mother (Mrs. Fitness), Roxie and I all hit the gym hard... and I do mean hard... on Saturday morning. 

We were there for over two hours and kicked our own asses for every bit of that time. The good news? I didn't stop. I worked out as I always work out and apparently was pretty impressive. As Mr. Perfect is pretty much my trainer, he showed his mom that he was a damn good trainer on Saturday. She laughed and told her friends upon leaving the facilities that 'her baby kicked her ass.' This made me smile because now she knew how hard we were working on a regular basis. 

It was fun working out with Roxie, too. We had fun, right? It's so funny to me how the ways in which we enjoy one another's company have changed. From food and shopping to the gym... and shopping... and okay, still food, but better choices of food! It's so nice to find comfort in her encouragement and know that she's on the same page as I am in this fitness frenzy. 

We all had a good time, I think. I was proud that I could not only keep up but keep going for two plus hours of ass kicking. Of course, I was pretty pumped and confident after I got Mrs. Fitness' first reaction upon my arrival. I must say it's the first "God Dayummm!!! Girl, you've melted!!!" that I've ever gotten. I wanted to cry. But instead, I laughed, a lot. It was a great feeling hearing such a reaction from someone I'm always looking to impress again and again. 

All in all, nothing but positive on the fitness front. It's so nice to have exercise as such light in my life. Who knew that was possible?

Friday, April 10, 2009

Roxie Updates

If you haven't been keeping up with our fast move to Blogger and haven't had a chance to read my most recent post over at the Wordpress address, then here it is...sorry for the repetition if you have been that faithful!!

Since January 30th, I've lost a total of 14 pounds! Two months later, I am starting feel the difference and see the difference.

Consistency has been key and I didn’t even let the 3 pounds I gained back over Spring Break get me down!

I'm hoping to keep this a trend so, that I can meet my goal in May. We'll see!

I haven't been to the gym since Sunday because my schedule has been nothing but work and school, since I'm going home this weekend. Hopefully I can squeeze in something workout-like while I'm there to get rid of this urge to be active!

Have a Happy Weekend!